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Hair Loss Treatment - Luliana

Hair Loss Treatment – Luliana

Hair loss treatment is important to get thick hair because it is the crown of a woman and the icon of her beauty

The painful thing is that most women are exposed to the problem of hair loss at some point in their lives, which makes them search daily

 . About methods and treatments that help them overcome this problem

What are the causes of hair loss?

Lack of proper nutrition

Iron deficiency is one of the most common causes of hair loss, especially in women

It leads to a lot of hair loss, – the vitamins responsible for hair loss – so if you suffer from

  .From hair loss, a complete blood picture must be done first


 Psychological stress

Among the causes of hair loss are psychological or physical disturbances such as emotional or physical trauma

.Excessive weight loss, diabetes and this type of hair loss is often temporary


Taking some drugs may cause excessive hair loss, such as medications

Blood clotting, birth control pills, blood pressure medications, heart medications, and gout medications. like steroids

Getting old

.As we get older our cells die faster than they are regenerated, which is why bones will be weaker, and skin thinner, a process similar to our hair

 Hormonal changes

People with conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome and adrenal hyperplasia

They have higher levels of androgens, wrong habits that lead to hair loss

.Which can cause hair loss

 genetic factor

. Genetics may play a major role in severe hair loss, especially for males

Excessive smoking

. Smoking tobacco can damage hair follicles and increase the risk of hair loss


Such as the thyroid gland is hyper or lazy in the activity of the thyroid gland, in this case the treatment of thyroid problems

 . Helps to get rid of the problem of hair loss

hair loss treatment in detail

You have to know that hair, just like nails, is made of dead tissue, so although you can make hair

It looks better on the outside with conditioners and care products, but the best way to strengthen weak hair is to follow some healthy habits

. Which is useful in treating weak follicles, which contributes to restoring the luster and strength of hair


 healthy diet

If you suffer from hair loss due to weak roots, there is one thing that you can change and that is your diet, because eating

. Certain foods help strengthen hair follicles, and if you’ve ever wondered, “How do I make my hair stronger?” We tell you to start with the right nutrition to see the changes outside


 Omega 3

. One of the forms of fatty acids that help strengthen hair and its roots, and omegas can be found by eating salmon, tuna, kale, flaxseed, and walnuts



Iron is one of the important elements that help in hair growth and treat follicle weakness, as it works to carry oxygen from the blood

Or the body to the follicles, and thus iron deficiency in the body leads to weak hair follicles, so be careful to eat food

. Which contains iron such as vegetables, red meat, beans, legumes



One of the most important substances that contain proteins necessary for hair growth and protection from breakage, and zinc works to strengthen the sebaceous glands,

Which works to protect the hair itself, and the most important foods that contain zinc are seafood and meat

5-Vitamins (A, B, C, E) are important elements for treating hair loss

Vitamins are the most beneficial elements for hair, because they work to moisturize the hair amazingly, while there are

. Vitamins are ideally found in vegetables, fruits and healthy fats such as avocado and olive oil



Everyone should make sure to eat plenty of protein in order to be able to restore vitality

For his hair, as hair is mainly composed of protein, which explains the importance of protein in the importance of maintaining hair

. And strengthen it, and protein is found extensively in eggs, chicken, dairy



It is a vitamin (B), which is considered one of the most important vitamins necessary for hair regeneration

. And its growth, it is found extensively in leafy vegetables, and it can also be taken as a medicinal preparation

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